Debit Card
I want to report a lost or stolen MasterCard Debit Card. What should I do?
Call 1-800-523-4175 to report your card lost or stolen 24/7, you will be required to contact us directly at 913-599-1010 during normal business hours to request a new card.
Credit Card
I want to report a lost or stolen MasterCard Credit Card. What should I do?
Report your credit card lost or stolen by calling 1-866-604-0381 24/7. A new card will automatically be ordered for you and should arrive in about 7-10 business days. You will also receive a separate PIN mailer with directions on how to customize your credit card PIN.
Transaction Dispute
To dispute any debit card transactions call 913-599-1010 Option #4 or fill out the Debit Card Dispute Form.
A Card Services Representative will reach out regarding your dispute.